One of the multifarious issues with electing a total idiot who predictably stocked his administration with a coterie of
dangerously incompetent sycophants who are also flagrantly authoritarian-curious (
at least),
corporate whores,
grifters, and
outright clowns is that when problems turn up it's extremely difficult to feel confident that these gomers will be able to do something that ranges from "not actively stupid" to potentially useful.
While the bulk of the corporate media organizations circle the drain that is Trump's Twitter feed repeating his nonsense about hordes of invading brownskins, several parts of the globe are getting...interesting, and not in a particularly good way.
One of them is along the Pakistan-India border, where the subcontinental quasi-Trumper Indian PM Narendra Modi has played to his deplorable-Hindu-supremacist base by
hammering Kashmiri Muslims. This, unsurprising to anyone who has more than one brain cell, has provoked some
nasty posturing from the other subcontinental nuclear power. Trump's contribution was to shove his enormous orange oar (what? You say it's
NOT enormous?
FAKE NEWS!!!) in back in July blabbering about U.S. stumbling into the dispute and forcing a hasty denial from Modi's people that, no, they hadn't asked the buffoon to do anything.
It's hard to tell whether this will lead to anything more than posturing, but it's already obvious that the Trumpkins' geopolitical shrewdity has
effectively neutered much of the U.S. ability to help defuse tensions in this nasty little dispute between two putative allies.
Meanwhile, in the Ukraine the political mess is
getting messier, with a stand-up comic/president, fascist Ruthenians, Putin-fondlers, and all-around whackjobs all getting involved in a political imbroglio that would make Machiavelli throw his hands in the air.
If Niccolo himself would despair of this twelve-monkeys-fucking-a-football disaster, what hope is there for this Administration, that is, apparently, managed by tweet and whatever bats are looping around whatever is inside the tangerine-hued Tiberius' combover that functions in place of an actual brain? Certainly this would seem to be a place for a judicious consideration of the actual stakes involved and whether there is an actual dog for the United States' foreign policy in this fight and, if so, to what extent.
But, again...who outside of the MAGAt fever-swamps actually believes this congeries of fools and damned fools can do that?
Who'd have thought that Obama's "elections have consequences" line would be repeated so soon as farce?
(And let's not even think
about the weather.)