Sunday, June 14, 2009

MilPub: Barstool Warning Label

I wanted to ensure that, for all that this site and many of those posting here have a military connection, those of you interested in posting or commenting do NOT feel that some sort of armed service connection is required.

I have invited the brilliant and decidedly both delightfully feminine and thoroughly civilian Lisa (of RangerAgainstWar) to be one of the bartenders here. Here's what I wrote to her in regards to this topic.

"And I hope you don't restrict yourself from commenting on military topics. One of the most pernicious tendencies in this country in the past decade is the attempt, both by the military itself and those who idolize the military, to insist that a lack of military service or specialized military knowledge disqualifies one from assessing and analyzing military adventuring. It's the very problem I see at places like Abu Muquwama, where the so-called "qualified" military and ex-military types and military buffs spend huge quantities of bandwith debating and discussing techniques and tactics of eating soup with a knife without ever hinting that the soup might not be a nourishing or valuable food for the people funding the knife."

So drop trails and fire for effect. We'll tell you if you're way out of safe. But in a NICE way.


  1. Those of us who served swore an oath to "Support and defend the Constitution". Now, the more feeble minded in the population might simply see The Constitution as a mere piece of parchment or some words written thereon. If one reads it, however, one might just realize that the Constitution is the express will of "WE The People". Thus, those of us who served swore to support and defend the constitutionally expressed will of WE THE PEOPLE. That's you, me and everyone else.

    What I'm getting at is that we are all in this together. So, there is no immutable dividing line between the veterans here and the non-veterans. We have a warmly lighted place to discuss all kinds of things in a generally civil tone. Hopefully, we have established a place where we can all continue to learn and have a grand time doing it together.

    Welcome aboard, Lisa.



  2. Heh, well you might recall that this civilian isn't much intimidated when it comes to military topics.

    And Im glad to see you guys doing this.



  3. Welcome back, Charles. I trust you will honor us with your input. Hope you are faring well.


  4. Thank you Pluto, Aviator, Charly (I'll have a little post up about you at RAW soon!), and of course, Chief.

    I love impassioned debate, I love to learn and I love military men. So this should be a fun place to visit.

  5. Hi, Charles! Sheadon says hi and thanks for the treasures, and he hopes - and we hope - that you're feeling well and going full speed ahead with your project!

  6. It's great to hear from you, Charles. It's been so long since I've seen you post that I feared the worst.

    And welcome to Lisa. Always nice to hear from the distaff side.

    So, what does this pub have behind the bar? Guinness stout I hope. Any chance of a single-malt scotch?



  7. Beer, ales, and attitude...and more than likely not in that order.

  8. Hi All,

    Ya, I'm doing OK -- started chemo and radiation on the lung this week, and looking forward to having time to get back to work on the project.


  9. Stay strong, Charly. You've got lots of people pulling for you, which all amounts to saying little prayers for you. Met, too.
